Thursday, August 16, 2012

Seekers Toklo`s Story

Grizzly cub toklo dreams of one day being a great big bear who will rules the forest. He will mark his wide territory and hunt the biggest game, his brother Tobi will forever be at his side. When they go out of their territory with their mother oka they come across a big bear oka and the bear fight and oka says they`re not just my cubs remember? These are your sons! And oka and the cubs father fight.

Margret Mahy.

One of New Zealand's best loved and internationally known authors passed away on the 23rd July 2012. She was loved by lot's of people (including adults). Some of her titles were The lion in the meadow, 24 hours, The Seven Chinese Brothers, The Man Whose Mother was a Pirate, 24 Hours, Maddigans Fantasia(Series) and many more. Her books have been translated into German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Italian, Japanese, Catalan and Afrikaans.

Margret Mahy was the eldest of five children. She was born and raised in New Zealand's Whakatane. Her father often told her and her four younger siblings adventure stories. These stories then influenced her story writing in later life. Her father was a bridge builder and her mother was a teacher. Margret wrote her first published copy at the age of seven.

Margret Mahy worked as a librarian at the Christchurch library.She won lots of awards for her books. 

Everyone will miss her and her stories. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Olympics.

On July 27th 2012, the Olympic opening ceremony took place in London, England. It went off with a bang. There was music, comedians and even the queen herself! There was also lots more.'

That's not all that has happened over the past week and a half. There has been a variety of sporting events. Countries from all over the world come and compete to win a gold medal (1st place). Some sports played are Shot-put, Athletics, Swimming, Diving, Fencing, Synchronized Swimming, Basketball, Archery, Shooting, Hockey, Soccer, Kayaking, Badminton and much more. Sporting events are placed in two categories, Female and Male. Teams only verse other teams in the same category. 

The Olympics originated from Ancient Greece in 776BC. Only men were allowed to compete and women were not allowed to watch. Winners were rewarded with olive trees and wreathes. The Olympics were dedicated to Olympian Gods and were held in the world-famous Olympia.

Last week, New Zealand's very own Mahy Drysdale won us our first gold. Good luck!

 The Mascots names and info in here  Mascots   as well as here : the names are Wenlock and  Mandeville.
Mandeville (with helmet)  and Wenlock ( with flag on him

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Whangarei Intermediate Science Fair!

Last week we had the annual School Science Fair. Students brought their Science Fair projects to school. They had all worked hard over the last few months. Now it was down to judging. There were three catagories that pupils could enter into. They were Science, Investigation and Technology. There were also four awards that you could win. They were Participation, Commended, Merit and Excellence. There were lot's of amazing projects. Some involved hair accessories, Mould, Oil, Fruit and Cheese. Of coarse, these were only a few of them. There were loads more than this. 


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bubblegum Dance Crew visits WIS.

Last Friday the Bubblegum dance crew visited Whangarei Intermediate. The Bubblegum dance crew is aged 11-13. Thanks to the student council at WIS who paid for our entry, we got to watch this talented group of hip hop dancers perform. The money they are raising is for them to go over to Las Vegas. In Las Vegas they will represent New Zealand in the international Hip hop competition. We were also lucky enough to get the opportunity to watch the older crew (Aged 14-17) called Sorority perform. They were amazing. We entered the school hall just after our second interval. Each dance crew performed about three dances each. At the end, we got to have a dance competition between students. A few pupils went up on stage and struted their stuff. It was an amazing performance and all the students are very grateful.

Winter Sports!!

On Tuesday the 22nd of May 2012, the whole school went up to Kensington park stadium to compete/play some amazing sports. These sports were Netball, Rippa Rugby, Basketball, Table Tennis, Soccer/football and hockey. We all had fun. The whole school had a great attitude and sportsmanship. We all respected the other school students that participated as well. But that didn't stop us from playing to the best of our abilities. Every student played well, no matter what the score was. We couldn't have made it up there without the help of our wonderful parent helpers. 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dance 4 Asthma

 Wis Dance4Asthma Please watch this video 

Here are some talented people for the dance redo for the whole school
Flips and many more talented things

They did handstands