Thursday, August 16, 2012

Seekers Toklo`s Story

Grizzly cub toklo dreams of one day being a great big bear who will rules the forest. He will mark his wide territory and hunt the biggest game, his brother Tobi will forever be at his side. When they go out of their territory with their mother oka they come across a big bear oka and the bear fight and oka says they`re not just my cubs remember? These are your sons! And oka and the cubs father fight.

Margret Mahy.

One of New Zealand's best loved and internationally known authors passed away on the 23rd July 2012. She was loved by lot's of people (including adults). Some of her titles were The lion in the meadow, 24 hours, The Seven Chinese Brothers, The Man Whose Mother was a Pirate, 24 Hours, Maddigans Fantasia(Series) and many more. Her books have been translated into German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Italian, Japanese, Catalan and Afrikaans.

Margret Mahy was the eldest of five children. She was born and raised in New Zealand's Whakatane. Her father often told her and her four younger siblings adventure stories. These stories then influenced her story writing in later life. Her father was a bridge builder and her mother was a teacher. Margret wrote her first published copy at the age of seven.

Margret Mahy worked as a librarian at the Christchurch library.She won lots of awards for her books. 

Everyone will miss her and her stories. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Olympics.

On July 27th 2012, the Olympic opening ceremony took place in London, England. It went off with a bang. There was music, comedians and even the queen herself! There was also lots more.'

That's not all that has happened over the past week and a half. There has been a variety of sporting events. Countries from all over the world come and compete to win a gold medal (1st place). Some sports played are Shot-put, Athletics, Swimming, Diving, Fencing, Synchronized Swimming, Basketball, Archery, Shooting, Hockey, Soccer, Kayaking, Badminton and much more. Sporting events are placed in two categories, Female and Male. Teams only verse other teams in the same category. 

The Olympics originated from Ancient Greece in 776BC. Only men were allowed to compete and women were not allowed to watch. Winners were rewarded with olive trees and wreathes. The Olympics were dedicated to Olympian Gods and were held in the world-famous Olympia.

Last week, New Zealand's very own Mahy Drysdale won us our first gold. Good luck!

 The Mascots names and info in here  Mascots   as well as here : the names are Wenlock and  Mandeville.
Mandeville (with helmet)  and Wenlock ( with flag on him

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Whangarei Intermediate Science Fair!

Last week we had the annual School Science Fair. Students brought their Science Fair projects to school. They had all worked hard over the last few months. Now it was down to judging. There were three catagories that pupils could enter into. They were Science, Investigation and Technology. There were also four awards that you could win. They were Participation, Commended, Merit and Excellence. There were lot's of amazing projects. Some involved hair accessories, Mould, Oil, Fruit and Cheese. Of coarse, these were only a few of them. There were loads more than this. 


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bubblegum Dance Crew visits WIS.

Last Friday the Bubblegum dance crew visited Whangarei Intermediate. The Bubblegum dance crew is aged 11-13. Thanks to the student council at WIS who paid for our entry, we got to watch this talented group of hip hop dancers perform. The money they are raising is for them to go over to Las Vegas. In Las Vegas they will represent New Zealand in the international Hip hop competition. We were also lucky enough to get the opportunity to watch the older crew (Aged 14-17) called Sorority perform. They were amazing. We entered the school hall just after our second interval. Each dance crew performed about three dances each. At the end, we got to have a dance competition between students. A few pupils went up on stage and struted their stuff. It was an amazing performance and all the students are very grateful.

Winter Sports!!

On Tuesday the 22nd of May 2012, the whole school went up to Kensington park stadium to compete/play some amazing sports. These sports were Netball, Rippa Rugby, Basketball, Table Tennis, Soccer/football and hockey. We all had fun. The whole school had a great attitude and sportsmanship. We all respected the other school students that participated as well. But that didn't stop us from playing to the best of our abilities. Every student played well, no matter what the score was. We couldn't have made it up there without the help of our wonderful parent helpers. 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dance 4 Asthma

 Wis Dance4Asthma Please watch this video 

Here are some talented people for the dance redo for the whole school
Flips and many more talented things

They did handstands

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Hunger Games.

Last week I finished reading the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I really enjoyed the book. It has a gripping story line. I couldn't put it down. I will shortly be reading the following book in this exciting trilogy.

Above: All three book in the series
The Hunger Games is about a fourteen year old girl named Katniss Everdeen from District 12. All up there a 12 Districts. every year, the capitol holds a event called the Hunger Games. One girl and one boy  between the age of 12-18 from each district are picked to participate in the Hunger Games. In this event, you kill each other and try to be the last person alive. If you are, you win. This story is action-packed with a twinge of romance. 

I recommend this book to 12+ as it is very detailed and gruesome. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The first book in this trilogy has just been made into a major motion picture. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Team Whero's trip to Waitangi.

On Tuesday 8th of May 2012, Rooms 2, 3, and 4 (year 7s) went to Waitangi. They had a really good time learning about the maori culture and the signing of the treaty.

Above: Maori War Canoe
One day later, (Thursday 10th May 2012) Rooms 1 and 24 also went up to Waitangi. We had an awesome time. We learnt about the treaty. We also got to go inside the Maori Meeting house and the Treaty House. 

Above: Maori meeting house (Whare)
Our two guides, Mrs Brown and Jojo, were really nice and friendly. They told us a lot of useful information. We got to meet Mrs Busby and her children. 

When we first got there we sung our song that we learned and they sung theirs. 

 We learnt about the World record holding Waka (Maori Canoe). It has to hold at least 80 men to get it started. It weighs 6 tonne. There are some fantastic carvings on the side to represent our ancestors. 

After that we learnt about the big Kauri trees that the waka's were made out of. They were giant. 

Above: North Island Map (Waitangi) 

The carvings in the meeting house (Whare) Were really amazing. Lots of craftsmanship and hard work went into them. Each and everything meant something. 

At 1:00pm, we all had lunch. After lunch (1:30pm), we all got into our amazing parent helper's car. A lot of us fell asleep throughout the drive. We got back to school safely.

We were all exhausted after our big day out. We all had a great day. 
Above: The inside of the Maori meeting house (Whare)

Above: Treaty House at Waitangi

Thursday, May 3, 2012

School Makeovers

Last week, the newly decorated and refurbished classrooms were up and ready to go. The classes lucky enough to move into these rooms are rooms 16, 14, 15, 13 and 12. We were lucky to get to talk to a student from room 16 (Jessica), about the new classrooms.

The colours are really bright and bubbly like a bumblebee. I like how they stand out. I also like how it attracts light, making it warmer for those cold months ahead. I like how its really big and is a great place to learn.

All of the students are enjoying the classrooms and love the size of it. Right now, Rooms 22, 21, 19, and 20 are being refurbished as well. The colours are Blue, Rainbow, Red and Green.

It isn't only the classrooms that have been/ being renovated. Our marvelous library has also had a makeover of it's own. With stylish new couch patterns, Its a hit.

Titanic 100 Years

Titanic 100 Years

This is the skecth of the RMS Titanic

Titanic Facts

The RMS Titanic was a British registered four funnelled ocean liner built for the transatlantic passenger and mail service between Southampton and New York.
Constructed at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Ireland Titanic was, on her maiden voyage, the largest vessel afloat.
On April 10th 1912 the Titanic sailed from Southampton with 2,200 passengers and crew, four days later theTitanic collided with an iceberg and sank. 1500 people died and 700 survived. This website attempts to tell their story and that of the great ship with which their fate would be inextricably linked.

If you want the names of the people who livied the sining is on this link: People who survived the titanic
and a link for facts and what really happened on the night/morning of the sinking:What really happened????

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Least we forget: Why we stop to remember them.

On the 25th of April 2012, Everyone throughout Australia and New Zealand came together to remember all the brave soldiers that lost their lives for us. These soldiers are known as ANZACs (Australia and New Zealand Army Corps).

They fought for our country in the Gallipoli War in 1915-1918. Ever since 1917, Australia and New Zealand have stopped to remember this war. This has been imprinted in New Zealand and Australian History forever.

The Australia and New Zealand Army Corps landed at a small bay (now known as ANZAC Cove) north of Kabatepe on the Gallipoli peninsula on the 25th of April 1915.

ANZAC Biscuits                                                    
The traditional ANZAC biscuit was called an          
ANZAC wafer or tile. It was substituted for bread as they had a much longer shelf life.
Lest we Forget                                                                 
Lest we forget is a phrase that became popular in 1897. It was later chosen as the line of the recitation. Along with this line is also 'Ode of remembrance'.

Check out these sites for more information:                                    


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Classroom renovations

Since the start of 2012, Whangarei Intermediate have been renovating Team Karaka's classrooms. With Ms H's awesome design skills, and the fantastic builders, the students can have the best learning opportunity in a stylish classroom.

We are all looking forward to the revealing, and are hoping that there will be more renovations to come.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Roald Dahl....

Roald Dahl has written a variety of books, ranging from infants books to young adult books. Some of his titles are:The Twitches, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,Matilda, Esio Trot, The Twits, The BFG, The Magic Finger and many more. He has also wrote about his tremendous life in two chapter books. The first one, which is called boy tales of childhood is about his childhood and how he was brought up. The second one, Going Solo, is about his terrifying and ecstatic experiences. He was born at Villa Marie, Fairwater road, Llandaff, Cardiff (Wales). His parents, Harald Dahl and Sofie Magdalene Dahl, were norwegian. Dahl was named after the polar explorer Roald Amundsen. Roalds' sisters were names Else, Asta and Alfhild. He also had two step-sisters named Astire and Elise. At the age of three, his step sister Astire, who was seven at the time, came down with appendicitis and shortly after, passed away. Not long after, his father also died. As Roald Dahl grew older and left home, he had some amazing and scary experiences. He was even in a airplane crash! Roald Dahl also had a girl named Olivia.When Olivia was young, Roald used to create fictional stories for her when she went to bed at night. Lot's of these became his best-selling books. In 1990, aged 74, Roald Dahl passed away, But this did not stop his books from thriving. In 2005, they made one of his award-winning, best-selling chapter book, Charlie and the chocolate factory into a major motion picture. That movie was also a big hit.  To this day, Roald Dahl is one of the most respected and best-selling author with fans ranging all over the world.

Things I like

Things I Like
By Anthony Browne

Do you like painting and riding your bike? Building sand-Castles? Playing with friend? Watching TV?
Whatever you ;like doing there`s something in this book for you. this book is good if you have a little kid like a 4 under year old well that is just my opinion. Post back if you have any Book reviews you want us to do

Whangarei Intermediate's Swimming Sports!

On the 2nd of march Whangarei intermediate school held there annual swimming sports event. Everyone dressed in their team colours, danced and swam the whole day. Everyone had a blast.  There was races for year sevens and races for year eights.

Ready.....Set.......Go! The first race was  freestyle. The year eight girls were off! They were racing through the water, eager to get to the end first. There was screaming and chanting! The race seemed to fly by. Everyone watched the girls get out of the pool. They were extremely tired.

Next up was the year 8 boys race. Zooming through the water like fish, they completed the race. Once again it was freestyle. They then went on to the year sevens, completing the races in the same sequence as the year eights.

There was races for students who did not compete in the championship races. There were also Waka races.

Everyone was dancing and chanting. The day was a hit. The teachers and students blasted music from speakers and challenged each other to dance competitions. We had games and activities running. By the end of the day everyone (students, teachers and even parents) were all worn out.

 At the conclusion of the event, Team Kakariki had wiped out the competition.But at the end of the day, it didn't matter who had the most points just as long as we had fun.


By Fred Marcellino

This book is a very funny book I recommend this book for you child they with laugh like I did it was a very good book so try this book for your self I know you will like it. This book was about a crocodile who was in Egypt  and one day a people from Paris came and toke him away and put him in the zoo and got showed off to everyone, soon Napoleon wanted to eat him for dinner,so he dove in to the sewer and said it was a crocodiles heaven.

Journey of the sea turtle

Journey of the sea turtle
By Mark Wilson

This book is about a mother turtle that had her eggs and left to the sea many of the baby
turtles were eaten by the Shadow birds. One of the turtles were left she went of to sea and made her way in to the big ocean. Try this book for your self.

I did not like this book my self but i recommend for children under 11 and the pictures were confusing for me.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Welcome to our school.....

W.O.W. Factor
Hi this is our blog for the W.O.W factor. We are a group of kids aged 11-13 years old at Whangarei Intermediate School, that create a fortnightly newspaper for our joyful school. This paper is commonly called W.O.W. Factor.

Our uniform consists of khaki green shorts, White/Blue polo T-shirts, Black/Blue Hats  and a warm, fluffy, Blue jumper. 

P.R.I.D.E represents personal best, respect, integrity, determination and enjoyment. Our key competencies are participation and contribution, thinking, language, symbols and text.